Biró Rozália
VIce president
International Relations: Margit Bálint

Women Organisation of Democratic Alliance of Hungarians from Romania (RMDSZ Women)

President: Biró Rozália

Tel: 0040 744 522 302
E-mail: rozalia.biro@cdep.ro, nok@rmdsz.ro

International Secretary: Margit Bálint
Tel: 0040 740 092 876
E-mail: women@rmdsz.ro

Address: Str. Republicii, Nr. 60, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Wesite: www.nok.rmdsz.ro

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RMDSZ.Noszervezet

General PRESENTATION in EN of RMDSZ Women Organisation DOWNLOAD

RMDSZ Women PRECIDENCY as elected at General Assembly of 2019:

Csép Éva-Andrea, Executive President, csepandrea@gmail.com
Ambrus Izabella, Vice-President for Relations with Civil Organisations, ambizabella@gmail.com
Bálint Margit, Vice-President for International Relations, women@rmdsz.ro
Frunda Csenge, Vice-President for Youth, frundacsenge@gmail.com
Hegedüs Csilla, Vice-President for Communications, hegedus.csilla@rmdsz.ro
Horváth Anna, Vice-President for Local Authorities in Romania, horvath.anna@rmdsz.ro
Kovács Irénke, Vice-President for Education, kovacsirenke2004@yahoo.com
Major Melinda, Vice-President for Major Events of Romania, melindamajor67@yahoo.ro
Márkus Etelka, Vice-President for Elderly, markus.etelka@rmdsz.ro
Bogya Anna, Vice-President for Partium Region of Romania, anna.bogya@gmail.com
Lőrincz Csilla, Vice-President for Szeklerland Region of Romania, lcsilla@miert.ro
Lőrincz Helga, Vice-President for Central Transylvania Region of Romania, lorinczhelga@gmail.com

RMDSZ Women LOCAL Organisations - County level Romania:

Arad County Women Organization, President: Tripon Ildikó, tripon_ildiko@yahoo.com
Beszterce-Naszód County Women Organization, President: Toók Katalin, took_ecaterina@yahoo.com
Bihar County Women Organization, President: Kéry Hajnal, kery_hajnal@yahoo.com
Botosani-Suceava County Women Organization, President: Hapenciuc Klára, hapenciuca@yahoo.com
Brassó County Women Organization, President: Ambrus Izabella, ambizabella@gmail.com
Bukarest Territorial Women Organization, President: Gedő Eszter, eszter.gedo@gmail.com
Csík Territorial Women Organization, President: Melles Mária, mellesmaria@yahoo.com
Fehér County Women Organization, President: Szakács Ildikó, szakacsildico@yahoo.com
Galac County Women Organization, President: Rusu Cecilia, ceciliarusu@gmail.com
Gorj County Women Organization, President: Danciu Nicoleta, nicodnc@yahoo.com
Gyergyó Territorial Women Organization, President: Portik Edit, portikedit@yahoo.com
Háromszék Territorial Women Organization, President: Ájgel Ágnes, ajgelagnes@gmail.com
Hunyad County Women Organization, President: Oprișa Melinda, oprisa.melinda@yahoo.com
Kolozs County Women Organization, President: Búzás Fekete Mária, buzesfm@yahoo.com
Krassó-Szörény County Women Organization, President: Fazakas Tünde, tunde_fazakas17@yahoo.com
Maros County Women Organization, President: Csép Éva-Andrea, csepandi@yahoo.com
Nagybánya Territorial Women Organization, President: Vida Noémi, noemivida@yahoo.co.uk
Szatmár County Women Organization, President: Major Melinda, melindamajor67@yahoo.ro
Szilágy County Women Organization, President: Kovács Irén Erzsébet, kovacsirenke2014@yahoo.com
Máramaros Territorial Women Organization, President: Havrics Mónika
Udvarhelyszék Territorial Women Organization, President: Bartalis Izabella
Timis County Women Organisation, President: Sipos Ilona, cicusipos@freemail.hu
Valcea County Women Organization, President: Szántó Csilla


About EPP Women

EPP Women (European’s People Party) is an official association dedicated to the advancement of women in the European Union. The association consists of members of likeminded European parties and is led by its president, Ms. Rozália Biró. The association forms a unified front to fight for equality between men and women in the treaty of Lisbon.